Sunday 2 February 2020

Field Trips & Study Tour

Field trip and excursion are interchangeably used in educational literature but in strict sense they are different. An excursion is a school journey involving any organized travel made by teachers and students primarily with an educational motive in mind.
Field trips are organized visits of teachers and students to immediate or distant places to enrich learning experiences and to further instructional purposes of regular classroom activities.
The field trip is distinguished by its concentration on learning particular aspects. Hence its success is judged by the fulfillment of pre-determined  goals.

Education is not confined to classroom teaching. Life in the classroom can cover only a small part of our total life. If learning is to result in the total development of the learners, we must go beyond our school walls into the community as students are working participants. The chief purpose of the field trip is to give students firsthand experience that cannot be had in the classroom.
Student‟s can see, hear and experience things. Hence field trip is an outdoor lesson in action. Many objects and phenomenon can be studied best in their natural setting. Field trips provide opportunity for learning through the use of many techniques other than reading and speaking. Field trip stimulates interest and increase appreciation. It co-relates classroom  learning  with community. It also develops better social awareness and social skills in pupils.

Organization of field trip

  • Planning
  • Preparation
  • Execution
  • Follow-up
  • Evaluation

Planning is the initial step which is determining the future course of action. The proposed site should be surveyed well in advance. Date and time should be decided, mode of travelling should be booked at the earliest. Expected expense per studentshould be calculated.

The aim of visit should be made clear to the pupils. Places of scientific interest, duties and responsibilities of each pupil should be made definite. Permission of the places to be visited should be secured well in advance. Permission of parents for the field trip should be obtained before commencement of the programme.

This step is concerned with the execution of the plan, i.e, undertaking the activity, completing and searching the results. If any unavoidable things may happen, it is necessary to collect telephone numbers of school personnel to inform them at the earliest. Here the teacher should act as a guide.

Follow-up work will ascertain about the planning and organization aspect of the field trip. Pupils may be asked to write a report, display materials collected during field trip. Follow-up will be useful in reviewing the role of each member.

It is an essential and important stage in a field trip. After the field trip, pupils must review their work and try to see what mistakes they have committed in execution.
This is a stage of self criticism by the pupils, which helps the teacher to improve the
future planning effectively

Advantages of Trips and excursion

  • Gives first hand experiences
  • It bridges the gap between theoretical concept and reality
  • Supplements and enriches classroom teaching
  • Stimulates sensory learning
  • Field trip are generally much more closely related to the out of school experiences of young people than are the experiences gained in the classroom
  • Field trip tend to be much more meaningful and permit easier transfer of learning to the solution of real life problems
  • Creates spirit of scientific enquiry
  • Gives training in observation
  • Field trip should be for review and drill
  • Stimulates interest in nature and learning
  • Correlates the school life with the outside world
  • Provides opportunities for utilizing community resources
  • Gives relief from routine class work, brings joyful experience in learning
  • Overcomes monotony of  regular classroom

Study Tours

Long trips, particularly those requiring detailed planning and preparation are normally tours; here we normally have two or more days‟ journey to different places of interest.
The places to be visited should be selected with care so that the tour provides to be really educational as well as memorable to students. A group of students should be entrusted with the responsibility to compile relevant information about the places to be visited like historical monuments, educational and cultural institutions. One or two discussions must be organized on the visit sites before the commencement of the journey. It should be made clear to the students that they should have to prepare a report on the tour for which they should take notes on the important observations.
The study tour will provide an opportunity to the students for community living which is indeed a powerful means for education, entertainment and personality development.

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