Wednesday 12 February 2020

Science Library

Science library is an essential part in science learning process. A science library should function under the care of science teacher in every school. It may be associated with the science club of school.Science library serves as a resource for updating  knowledge.  The library books should supplement what has been taught in the class. A platform to provoke thinking and discussion, to develop interest in matters of science, to stimulate further reading, to help to articulate and elucidate scientific concepts and problems, to suggest further problems and to give insight into social implications and contributions
of science.
Science library should have books on various branches of science, on invention and discoveries, on hobbies and leisure, reference materials, advanced text books, popular and standard journals and on many other areas that directly and indirectly relate to science.

Objectives of Science library

  • To enhance the learners to open the doors for meaningful reading
  • To help teachers and pupils to update scientific knowledge
  • To facilitate self studies and learning to learn
  • To enrich curricular experiences
  • To enable pupils to participate in discussion and project work meaningfully
  • To make co-curricular activities such as participation in science club activities more meaningful and dynamic
  • To create interest in science as a subject of study
  • To develop the habit of concentrated reading of knowledgeable books with a purpose
  • To develop in the students critical attitude and capacity for independent judgement
  • To develop the habit of reading as a useful leisure time activity.

A well equipped science library should be the primary requisite of every school.

  • A separate science library under the charge of science teacher should be an integral part of the science department. 
  • The library should be organized adjacent to the science class rooms for the immediate reference of teachers and students.
  • Science teacher should concentrate on the fund for the organization of the library. The science grants available to the school can be utilized for this. 
  • Science library should have almirahs, shelves, table and if possible there should be place for reading also with desks and benches.
  • Colourful bulletin boards should be placed to attract pupil to library.
  • Membership should be provided to members and teacher should inculcate the love for reading and ability to use reference books. 
  • Science books and articles should be constantly reviewed by both the teacher and the pupil and good reviews should be published in the science magazines or school magazine.

Library Resources constitutes of

  1. Science Dictionaries
  2. Encyclopedia
  3. Year books
  4. Laboratory manuals
  5. Authoritative books of eminent writers
  • BOOKLETS , issued by NGO's and education departments on various topics.
  • TEXTBOOKS : Multiple copies of textbooks that enriches clasrroom learning.
  1. Periodicals for supplementary reading.
  2. Journals like School science, Science reporter, Junior Scientist , Primary teacher etc.
  3. Science magazines like  Vijnana Kairali, Eureka etc.

Advantages of science Library

  • The science library is helpful for the pupil to become aware of the latest developments in science.
  • It helps the gifted students to explore new fields according to their capacity
  • Science library always promotes interest towards science subject and inculcates scientific outlook
  • Reading is indeed a pleasurable and worthwhile experience, promotes reading habits of children

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